Court Documents <return>
September 3,1854 (Page 285 Vol 5)
Commonwealth VS Margaret Collins & Elizabeth Collins
Being in custody charged with the offense of stealing a child under the age of ten years old and being admitted to bail in the sum of $100 We? Amos Collins, Pleasant Sisemore & Benjamin Collins of Clay County -------- undertake that the above named Elizabeth & Margaret Collins shall appear in the Clay Circuit Court on the first day of next April term to answer said charge and shall ------ render themselves amendable to the orders and process of the court in
the prosecution of said charge and of ------- shall render? Themselves ------(the rest is difficult to read)
Isaac McCollum, F.I. Gilbert, Gilbert Collins, Wm M. McCollum, Calvin Collins, Claiborn Smith, Aggy Sizemore, Aaron Collins, Pleasant Sizemore, Eliza Scalf, Rebecca Scalf, Elizabeth Collins, Jesse Scalf, & Mahala Woods each acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the penal sum of $100 to be levied of their respective goods & chattels lands & tenements to the use of the Commonwealth rendered but to be void upon their appearance here on the first day of next term of this court as witnesses for the Commonwealth against Margaret Collins and not depart without leave of the Court.
Commonwealth VS Susan Collins
Being in custody charged with stealing a child under the age of ten years old