This is a transcribed record of the shooting. The newspaper clippings are on microfilm located in Leslie County Ky and transcription was donated by Phylis Hefelfinger. See the bottom of the page for another shooting story that changed our lives forever <return> to homepage.
Elijah Sizemore Killed
Elijah Sizemore, 36, was shot and killed in Hyden last Sunday night between 9:00 and 10:00 o’clock by Henry Davidson. Davidson was a member of the Hyden City Police Force and it had been reported that Sizemore and one of Davidson’s sons, Edwards had been having trouble prior to the killing. According to reports, young Davidson and Sizemore had engaged in an argument after which Sizemore came out and was sitting in an automobile when both Davidson’s came out and the shooting occurred.
Henry Davidson and his son Edward surrender themselves to authorities in London, Kentucky and are awaiting further action of the court.
Davidson’s Go On Trial
Henry Davidson, former policeman of Hyden, and his son Edward went on trail here Tuesday fro the killing of Lige Sizemore, which occurred on the streets of Hyden some few days ago. After attempting for 2 days to impanel a jury of Leslie County citizens it was decided that it would be necessary to send to another county for the purpose of obtaining non related and non interested persons to serve on a jury. Accordingly men were summoned from Knott County and after convening court here today the jury was chosen and the evidence is now in progress and being taken with the commonwealth beginning their testimony.
Davidson Given Life Sentence
Henry Davidson 55, former policeman of Hyden, went on trail here Tuesday May 15, before a Knott County jury and was found guilty of the murder of Lige Sizemore, which killing took place on the streets of Hyden a few weeks ago. He was given a life sentence.
It was found impossible to get a jury in Leslie County to try this case. The commonwealth introduced evidence to show that Henry and his son Edward had followed Sizemore out from the pool room and that while the son was attacking Sizemore physically, older Davidson fired tree shots into the car in which the deceased was sitting, killing him almost instantly.
Today Edward Davidson was sentenced to life in the penitentiary after entering a plea of guilty.
Story: 1950 and 1973
Henry Davidson and son Edward Davidson always lived with this shooting. I can still remember my Uncle Edward saying, "I thought I was shot". It turned out to be only a powder burn by his own gun. Edward was in a scuffle with Lige to get him out of the car so he could be arrested. Edwards gun went off and I believe was fired twice. Once hitting Lige in the arm and the other braising Edwards side. When Edward yelled, "Daddy, I've been shot", Henry opened fire and shot 3 times hitting Lige all three times.
Lige was my grandfathers son-in-law and brother-in-law to Edward. This was a great family tragedy because we always had tensions over it with Edwards sister Grace who was married at the time to Lige Sizemore and had a small son by Lige named Kenneth. When Henry and Edward Davidson got out of prison, they had served about 8 years, Grandpa and most of his sons moved away to Charlestown, Indidan. I recently went back to Thousandsticks and Hyden, Ky for a Collins reunion. It felt good to go home again.
We started a new life in Indiana in the early 60's. Some say that what goes around, comes around... Henry Davidson may have killed his son-in-law but in the end, lost his own son John Henry Davidson (my father) when he was shot and killed September 17, 1973 in Indiana.
There are many more stories that will be in my book, this is just a small part of it!
Carolyn Davidson Hicks