State of Kentucky, County of Leslie
In the matter of the application of MARTHA NAPIER, pension claim, widow of EZEKIAL NAPIER, private, Company L, 14th Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry
Personally appeared before me, a County Court Clerk in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, JOHN DAVIDSON aged 56 years, a citizen of, Leslie County and State of Kentucky and whose post office address is Hyden, Kentucky, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
I was acquainted with the above named soldier at and prior to his enlistment into the said service. I lived a near neighbor to this soldier ever since the war until his death. He had the appearance of a sound and healthy man at his enlistment and sometime shortly after the war of the rebellion I noticed he was coughing and continued coughing and had lung troubles until his death. I believe from my own knowledge and acquaintance with said soldier and by being a near neighbor to him that the above named disease was the sole cause of the death and from what I know of him I believe he contracted same while in the said service and further state he had no physician with him in his last illness.
I further declare that I have no interest in said claim and am not concerned in its prosecution.
John Davidson
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of February, 1901
James M. Howard
Clerk, Leslie County Court