Hyden Grade School Burns
Thousandsticks News
Thursday, March 1, 1934
The Grade School building here in Hyden was burned to the ground Tuesday evening, just after school was dismissed. It is not known as to how the building caught fire, the first that was known the flames and smoke were shooting out of the top of the building. The damages done were the total loss of the building including all the furnishings and a library of 300 books, and also most all of the school childrens books, all accounting to something like $3,000.00.
This house was erected shortly after the burning of the school building in 1910. It seems that both buildings were caused by fire that mysteriously came in the day time, which was said to be on account of bad flues or paper being stored in the attic. School is going ahead for the present, the higher grades being taught in the High School building, the other grades are being taught in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Begley, the Presbyterian Church building and the Boy’s Dormitory.