My dad struggled to stop smoking before he was killed by a gun. That is another story I’ll need time before I am ready to write about it. Anyway…
The story goes back a few years before he died, when he would ask me to light his Winston for him. He’d say, just put it up to the fire and wait til it lights. Well, I’d try that but it never worked! So, one day I took a puff! Yes, I sure it. Damn near coughed out a lung at the effort!
Once it was lite, I walked into the livingroom. Dad was sitting next to the fireplace waiting impatiently while watching Daniel Boone on TV. I myself, love Daniel Boone and was caught up in the show. Finally, Dad looks around and says, honey, when your’e done with that, wanta share?
When he died, a few years later, he had given never managed to give up the habit. Shortley after he died, we found a pack under his car seat of the nice 1970 Maverick he owned. Another story there for you too, I’ll get around to that one of course! Anyway, there was one under the sunvisor, one under his front drivers seat and just about anywhere else you could imagine!
Dad never did quit smoking…